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Spring Data Rest: RepositoryEventHandler methods not invoked

I am trying to add a RepositoryEventHandler as described on Spring Data REST documentation to the REST repository shown below:

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "agents", path = "/agents")
public interface AgentRepository extends CrudRepository<Agent, Long> {
    // no implementation required; Spring Data will create a concrete Repository

I created an AgentEventHandler:

public class AgentEventHandler {

     * Called before {@link Agent} is persisted 
     * @param agent
    public void handleBeforeSave(Agent agent) {

        System.out.println("Saving Agent " + agent.toString());


and declared it in a @Configuration component:

public class RepositoryConfiguration {

     * Declare an instance of the {@link AgentEventHandler}
     * @return
    AgentEventHandler agentEvenHandler() {

        return new AgentEventHandler();

When I am POSTing to the REST resource, the Entity gets persisted but the method handleBeforeSave never gets invoked. What am I missing?

I'm using: Spring Boot 1.1.5.RELEASE


  • Sometimes obvious mistakes go unnoticed.

    POST-ing a Spring Data REST resource, emits a BeforeCreateEvent. To catch this event, the method handleBeforeSave must be annotated with @HandleBeforeCreate instead of @HandleBeforeSave (the latter gets invoked on PUT and PATCH HTTP calls).

    Tests pass successfully on my (cleaned up) demo app now.