I have a div #more with width 100% and height auto that wraps my content.
I want that div to resize to adjust window height on a link click.
My script almost works, I click on the link, i see the scrollbar getting smaller (proof that the window has resized BUT the div resizes only after the first scroll action...why is that ? :(
$( "#target" ).click(function(){
function resizeSection(tag) {
var docHeight = $(window).height(); // Get the height of the browser window
var docWidth = $(window).width(); // Get the width of the browser window
$(tag).css({'height': docHeight + 'px', 'width': docWidth + 'px', 'display': 'block'});
resizeSection(this); // Call the function and make sure to pass 'this'
$(window).resize(function() {
And this is the trigger : <div id="target">click</div>
I found a good way of making this happen, and the container resizes to fit window height very smooth and likable.
var isFullscreen = false;
var d = {};
var speed = 900;
if(!isFullscreen){ // MAXIMIZATION - maximize the container to fit window
d.height = $(window).height();;
isFullscreen = true;
else{ // MINIMIZATION - minimize the container to a predifined size
d.height = 500px;
isFullscreen = false;