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Composer psr-0 autoloading of custom namespaces does not work

I have trouble adding my own namespaces to composer with PSR-0. I have read this and this but I still can't make it work


"require": {
    "klein/klein": "2.0.x",
    "doctrine/orm": "2.4.4"

"autoload": {
    "psr-0": {
        "mynamespace":        "src/"

The src folder is placed inside the same directory as composer.json

The src directory has the following structure

└── mynamespace
    ├── Keys.php


namespace mynamespace\Keys;



use Klein\Klein;
use mynamespace\Keys;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$klein = new Klein(); // works
echo API_KEY;  // Undefined constant


  • You can only load classes, interfaces and traits with autoloading.

    Because all you do is add a use clause which does not do anything by itself with autoloading (i.e. it does not load something), and you do not use a class, nothing happens.

    I recommend using class constants. They may be put into classes or interfaces:

    namespace mynamespace;
    interface Keys {
        const API_KEY = 'XXXXXXXX';
    use mynamespace/Keys;
    echo Keys::API_KEY;