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TPL Tasks and ReaderWriterLockSlim

I've got a strange bug in my current project. Thats why I have two questions:

1) Why does this occur?
2) How do I solve this?

Some additional info: I'm running this on a System with a QuadCore CPU (Intel Core2Quad Q9650)

I have a Function "DoSomething()" that could be called from multiple Threads at a time:

public class SingletonClass    

    // Singleton
    public static SingletonClass Instance 
        get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new SingletonClass()); }

    private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _workLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
    private bool _isWorkDone = false;

    // bool returns true for "Inner Task executed" and false for "Inner Task had been executed earlier"
    public bool DoSomething()
        // workaround to fix: Thread.Sleep(50);
            if (!_isWorkDone)
                _isWorkDone = true;
                return true;

            return false;

In order to test if this function works I used the TPL to create multiple Tasks calling this function nearly simultaniously:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)
    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
        bool success = DoSomething();

I expected to get an output like this:

true, false, false, ....

But what I got was this:

true, true, true, true, false, false ....

1) Why?
2) How to solve?

EDIT: I added a sample-project: [DELETED - Problem solved]


  • No way, the problem is not in the lock but in the creation of the Singleton!

    public static Dll Instance
        get { return _INSTANCE ?? (_INSTANCE = new Dll()); }

    The above is not protected by the lock => you get 4 different instances! Four Different locks!

    private void CreateThreadsToAccess()
        Task[] tasks = new Task[10];
        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i += 1)
            tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            //  here you get four different instances
                bool success = Dll.Instance.DoSomething();
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

    How to correct:

    private static readonly object mylock = new object();
    public static Dll Instance
           if (_INSTANCE == null) 
               lock (mylock) 
                  if (_INSTANCE == null) 
                     _INSTANCE = new Dll();
           return _INSTANCE;