I have a problem with a couple of various chart controls that I am trying to bind to different datasets. Basically, when I run the following query, my chart control will only show every 2nd Label on the X Axis no matter what size I make the chart.
SELECT MID(MONTHNAME(created_at),1,3) as Month, COUNT(created_at) AS TotalCreatedCalls, COUNT(closed_at) AS TotalClosedCalls FROM call_detail WHERE DATE(created_at) BETWEEN DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) AND CURDATE() GROUP BY MONTH(created_at)
However, if I remove the MONTHNAME statement and just return the MONTH, all 12 months appear fine on the X Axis Label as numbers.
SELECT MONTH(created_at) as Month, COUNT(created_at) AS TotalCreatedCalls, COUNT(closed_at) AS TotalClosedCalls FROM call_detail WHERE DATE(created_at) BETWEEN DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) AND CURDATE() GROUP BY MONTH(created_at)
I have the same exact issue with another chart control where I am trying to show peoples names along the X Axis, but I only get every 5th name. However, I also have another chart control with pulls 7 days and shows the week name on the X Axis and that seems to work fine.
I found the answer to my question at the following site HERE
It had to do with the Minor and Major ticks of the Axis LabelStyles and it just required some playing around and tweaking to give my the results I needed.