I have this function on parse cloudcode:
Parse.Cloud.define("testfunction", function(request, response) {
var username = request.params.username
var testObject = Parse.Object.extend('Test');
var query = new Parse.Query(testObject);
query.equalTo('username', username);
// PFObject "Test" in the table has columns A,B and C
// how do I tell the query that in the final result I send back
// in the response I only want filed A?
success:function(results) {
error:function() {
response.error('Could not find channels')
I am not sure how to tell the query to only return filed A and not field B and C as part of any of the PFObjects that come back from the query?
thank you
You can use the select
method of the query to limit the fields that will be returned.
var username = request.params.username
var testObject = Parse.Object.extend('Test');
var query = new Parse.Query(testObject);
query.equalTo('username', username);
It is a bit hidden in the documentation but you will find it in the Query Constraints section of the JavaScript Guide [1] (you will have to scroll down a bit there to find it).