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ASP.MVC 4 Bundles cache

I migrated MVC3 to MVC4 and added mobile views for my website using JqueryMobile. To "improve" performance i am using Bundles to compres *.js and *.css files. app_start everything works fine.

After deploying (system nightly build) i saw that bundle .js and .css files are being reloaded every time without using cache. enter image description here

However, if i run this page on localhost host, page load size decrease from ~1mb to 450kb. project webconfig Debug is set to false enter image description here

What could affect it. Is it posible to change directly cache-control to public? enter image description here


  • Looks like this could well be an issue in Web Optimisations 1.1.2/1.1.3. Maybe reverting to 1.1.1 can fix the issue as suggested in the following post