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Model with money-rails testing using RSpec new syntax

New to Ruby on Rails here.

I'm doing an application with money support using money-rails gem. I want to test the money locale.

Reading the gem's example at test_helpers_spec.rb, there is

let(:product) do
  Product.create(:price_cents => 3000, :discount => 150,
    :bonus_cents => 200,
    :sale_price_amount => 1200)


describe "monetize matcher" do

  it "matches model attribute with currency specified by :with_currency chain" do
    product.should monetize(:bonus_cents).with_currency(:gbp)


where the respective Product model has

monetize :bonus_cents, :with_currency => :gbp

so the test passes. How would I would rewrite that test following the recent rspec's expect(...) syntax? I would try

expect(monetize(:bonus_cents).with_currency(:gbp)).to be true

but it fails.


  • product.should monetize(:bonus_cents).with_currency(:gbp)

    Comes out to:

    expect(product).to monetize(:bonus_cents).with_currency(:gbp)

    expect just wraps the object being tested, the rest of the matchers are generally the same.