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PyCharm false syntax error using turtle

The code below works perfectly, however, PyCharm complains about syntax error in forward(100)

from turtle import *



Since turtle is a stanrd library I don't think that I need to do additional configuration, am I right?

enter image description here


  • The forward() function is made available for importing by specifying __all__ in the turtle module, relevant part from the source code:

    _tg_turtle_functions = [..., 'forward', ...]
    __all__ = (_tg_classes + _tg_screen_functions + _tg_turtle_functions +
               _tg_utilities + _math_functions)

    Currently, pycharm cannot see objects being listed in module's __all__ list and, therefore, marks them as an unresolved reference. There is an open issue in it's bugtracker:

    Make function from method: update __all__ if existing for starred import usage

    See also: Can someone explain __all__ in Python?

    FYI, you can add the noinspection comment to tell Pycharm not to mark it as an unresolved reference:

    from turtle import *
    #noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences

    Or, disable the inspection for a specific scope.

    And, of course, strictly speaking, you should follow PEP8 and avoid wildcard imports:

    import turtle