I have a LighBlue Bean which is an Arduino compatible Bluetooth LE microcontroller. I'm trying to access its virtual serial port outside the Arduino IDE. I can see the serial data in the Arduino Serial Monitor and also in screen using the terminal command;
screen /tmp/tty.LightBlue-Bean 57600
However, the serial port doesn't show up in other apps in OS X such as Hairless MIDI to Serial Bridge or Ableton.
In terminal, the following command;
ls /dev/tty.*
does not list the Beans virtual serial port which is /tmp/tty.LightBlue-Bean. The following command does show it;
ls /tmp/tty.*
However, only serial ports starting /dev/ show up in other apps.
How can I make the virtual serial port of the LightBlue Bean visible in other apps so I can send serial data to them?
Try to symlink the port to /dev
like that
ln -s /tmp/tty.LightBlue-Bean /dev/tty.LightBlue-Bean
You can also change the name to something simplier if you want.
Hope this helps! :)