I have a problem I'm trying to decide how to approach and solve it, I have an application where the user selects certain files and the files is need to be added to my ListView
but before I need to check this files (via another class), my problem is to know exactly this operation finishes in order to update my GUI
Please see this class:
public class ProducerConsumer : IDisposable
public delegate void OnFileAddDelegate(string file);
public event OnFileAddDelegate OnFileAddEventHandler;
BlockingCollection<string> _taskQ = new BlockingCollection<string>();
public ProducerConsumer(int workerCount)
// Create and start a separate Task for each consumer:
for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++)
public void Dispose()
public void Enqueue(string action)
private void Consumer()
// This sequence that we’re enumerating will block when no elements
// are available and will end when CompleteAdding is called.
FileChecker fileChecker = new FileChecker();
foreach (string item in _taskQ.GetConsumingEnumerable())
string file = item;
string result = fileChecker.Check(file);
if (result != null && OnFileAddEventHandler != null)
I am using this class in my Winforms
application, after the user choose files that need to be add into my ListView
this class put this files (PDF files) into Queue
and the consumer take this files and with another class (FileChecker) check this each file (simple search) and if the file is OK raise up an Event
to the main form in order to add the file.
now while search/add this files i am lock all my controllers and at the end of this operation i want to unlock this controllers but i cannot know the specific moment that the class has finish it's job, i try to put break-point
at the end of the Consumer foreach loop
but it seems that it didn't get there so i wonder how could i know when this operation has finish
This is form the main form:
string[] files // All the files that the user choose
ProducerConsumer producerConsumer = new ProducerConsumer(5);
producerConsumer.OnFileAddEventHandler += pq_OnFileAddEventHandler;
foreach (string item in files)
string filename = item;
If you really want to spawn them and kill them when they are done, than you should not use blocking queue, but normal queue with synchronization:
public class ProducerConsumer {
public delegate void FileAddedDelegate(string file);
public delegate void AllFilesProcessedDelegate();
public event FileAddedDelegate FileAdded;
public event AllFilesProcessedDelegate AllFilesProcessed
readonly Queue<string> queue; int counter;
public ProducerConsumer(int workerCount, IEnumerable<string> list) {
queue = new Queue<string>(list); // fill the queue
counter = queue.Count; // set up counter
public void Start() {// split this to be able to add event hooks in between
for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++)
private void Consumer() {
FileChecker fileChecker = new FileChecker();
for(;;) {
string file;
lock(queue) { // synchronize on the queue
if (queue.Count == 0) return; // we are done
file = queue.Dequeue(); // get file name to process
} // release the lock to allow other consumers to access the queue
// do the job
string result = fileChecker.Check(file);
if (result != null && FileAdded != null)
// decrement the counter
if(Interlocked.Decremet(counter) != 0)
continue; // not the last
// all done - we were the last
if(AllFilesProcessed != null)
NOTE: Your example looks like idea, not a complete code. This solution was designed for freely running consumers - that are there sleeping and waiting for the job and reporting when they reached the empty queue.
Use some counter:
int counter;
Increment it before queing the files
Interlocked.Add(ref counter, files.length);
foreach (string item in files) {
string filename = item;
producerConsumer.Enqueue(filename); }
Decrement and test in consumers:
if (result != null) {
if(OnFileAddEventHandler != null)
if(Interlocked.Decrement(ref counter) == 0
&& OnAllFilesProcessed != null)