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Flyway: non-empty schema without metadata table

Found non-empty schema "public" without metadata table! Use init() or set initOnMigrate to true to initialize the metadata table.

  • I'm using Postgres 9.2 with Postgis 2.0. This means that by default when I create a new database there will be a table created in public schema called spatial_ref_sys.

When I run flyway migrate on this database, I get the above error. Running init seems to create the public.schema_version table and mark version 1 as SUCCEDED without actually running the the migration file. I've also tried combinations of initOnMigrate with no success. Flyway is not configured to manage any schemas.

Any ideas on how I can run a migration in this scenario?


  • The title is somewhat contradictory, as the database is indeed not virgin as you installed, through the PostGIS extension, a number of objects in the public schema.

    You can either

    • set flyway.schemas to a new schema, say my_app, which will then be created automatically by Flyway. Your application should then use this one instead of public (recommended)
    • set flyway.baselineOnMigrate to true or invoke flyway.baseline() against the public schema. This will work, but public will then contain a mix of both your application objects and the PostGIS objects