I'd like to be able to programmatically query the API. For example, I'd like to know what arguments are required/optional, and their types, for a given method. The info must be somewhere because it is used by the Explorer, but I didn't see a way to access it, and I struck out searching because the terms are so generic (e.g. 'metadata' brings up tons of hits on EXIF).
I'm asking because I'm writing a wrapper and want to provide interactive help without having to scrape the web documentation.
Cool! They have exactly what I wanted...
From https://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.reflection.getMethodInfo.html :
Example Response
<method name="flickr.fakeMethod" needslogin="1"> <description>A fake method</description> <response>xml-response-example</response> <explanation>explanation of example response</explanation> <arguments> <argument name="api_key" optional="0"> You API application key.</argument> <argument name="color" optional="1"> Your favorite color.</argument> </arguments> <errors> <error code="1" message="Photo not found"> Full explanation...</error> <error code="100" message="Invalid API Key"> Full explanation...</error> </errors> </method>