I am trying to retrieve options data from Yahoo Finance using YQL. The very strange problem is that I can download the desired options data for other symbols such as AAPL (Apple) and MSFT (Microsoft), but not for GOOG (Google).
Here's my query and the result. Obviously I can retrieve data for AAPL and MSFT, but GOOG is missing. This happens not only with yahoo.finance.option_contracts, but also with all other option-related tables including yahoo.finance.options. I am pretty sure that this is not something related to the query limits, since the query shown below is expected to retrieve only less than 10 results for GOOG.
select * from yahoo.finance.option_contracts where symbol in ( 'GOOG', 'AAPL', 'MSFT')
"query": {
"count": 2,
"created": "2014-03-03T15:00:45Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"url": [
"execution-start-time": "0",
"execution-stop-time": "1",
"execution-time": "1",
"content": "http://www.datatables.org/yahoo/finance/yahoo.finance.option_contracts.xml"
"execution-start-time": "4",
"execution-stop-time": "1057",
"execution-time": "1053",
"content": "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=MSFT"
"execution-start-time": "5",
"execution-stop-time": "3571",
"execution-time": "3566",
"content": "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=AAPL"
"error": "Connect Failure",
"execution-start-time": "5",
"execution-stop-time": "10017",
"execution-time": "10012",
"content": "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=GOOG"
"error": "Connect Failure",
"execution-start-time": "5",
"execution-stop-time": "10017",
"execution-time": "10012",
"content": "http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=GOOG"
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"javascript": [
"execution-start-time": "3",
"execution-stop-time": "1074",
"execution-time": "1070",
"instructions-used": "18571",
"table-name": "yahoo.finance.option_contracts"
"execution-start-time": "3",
"execution-stop-time": "3616",
"execution-time": "3612",
"instructions-used": "31142",
"table-name": "yahoo.finance.option_contracts"
"Exception: Read timed out, url: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=GOOG",
"execution-start-time": "3",
"execution-stop-time": "10017",
"execution-time": "10013",
"instructions-used": "31142",
"table-name": "yahoo.finance.option_contracts"
"user-time": "10018",
"service-time": "19447",
"build-version": "0.2.2157"
"results": {
"option": [
"symbol": "AAPL",
"contract": [
"symbol": "MSFT",
"contract": [
In sum, every time I try to retrieve options data for GOOG, I only get null result with the error of 'Read Timed Out'. For other option symbols such as AAPL and MSFT, I get what I desire.
Anyone knows why this is so?
This must have to do with Google the company trading under TWO stickers (See http://finance.yahoo.com/news/google-trades-under-2-tickers-225300863.html): GOOG and GOOGL.
YQL doesn't recognize GOOG, but will accept the new ticker GOOGL. I suspect the YQL query errors out on getting unexpectedly two tickers instead of one when looking for just GOOG.
If you request a GOOG quote on Yahoo!Finance, it works.