When upgrading my web app from underscore 1.6 to 1.7, I receive the following error "list is not defined". When using underscore 1.6 it works perfectly. Any ideas?
//acquire the list template
$.get('tpl/listTpl.html', function(templates) {
//run underscore js on the list template and pass in the full collection of models
var template = _.template(templates, {list:app.collections.list.models});
//load the underscore template into the DOM
From the 1.7.0 changelog:
Underscore templates no longer accept an initial data object. _.template always returns a function now.
You will need to change your code to the following:
$.get('tpl/listTpl.html', function(templates) {
var template = _.template(templates);
var result = template({list:app.collections.list.models});