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Import Member Group attribute from AD to .csv

I am using ActiveRoles Management Shell under Windows XP , Powershell ver 2 for retreiving Group data from AD and exporting it to csv file.Everything works well apart from getting member list it is so long that the program is writing in excel cells under member column System.String[] each time.How can I make it write whole list there , is it possible ? I could actually have only the name of the member don't need whole connection path.Is there a possibility to get from group field member only name ?

get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ou=User,ou=Groups,ou=PL,dc=test,dc=com'| Select-Object -property name,sAMAccountName,description,groupType,member|Export-Csv -path Y:\csv\groups.csv


  • Ok, as Matt suggested you want an expression in your Select statement. I would use something like this:

    @{l="Members";e={$_.Members -join ", "}}

    Which when inserted into your one-liner looks like:

    get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ou=User,ou=Groups,ou=PL,dc=test,dc=com'| Select-Object -property name,sAMAccountName,description,groupType,@{l='Members';e={$_.member -join ", "}}|Export-Csv -path Y:\csv\groups.csv -NoTypeInfo

    I also added -NoTypeInfo to the export to skip the annoying lead line telling you it's a PSCustomObject or some such and actually just get your data (and headers).