Given any container type we can form the (element-focused) Zipper and know that this structure is a Comonad. This was recently explored in wonderful detail in another Stack Overflow question for the following type:
data Bin a = Branch (Bin a) a (Bin a) | Leaf a deriving Functor
with the following zipper
data Dir = L | R
data Step a = Step a Dir (Bin a) deriving Functor
data Zip a = Zip [Step a] (Bin a) deriving Functor
instance Comonad Zip where ...
It is the case that Zip
is a Comonad
though the construction of its instance is a little hairy. That said, Zip
can be completely mechanically derived from Tree
and (I believe) any type derived this way is automatically a Comonad
, so I feel it ought to be the case that we can construct these types and their comonads generically and automatically.
One method for achieving generality for zipper construction is the use the following class and type family
data Zipper t a = Zipper { diff :: D t a, here :: a }
deriving instance Diff t => Functor (Zipper t)
class (Functor t, Functor (D t)) => Diff t where
data D t :: * -> *
inTo :: t a -> t (Zipper t a)
outOf :: Zipper t a -> t a
which has (more or less) shown up in Haskell Cafe threads and on Conal Elliott's blog. This class can be instantiated for the various core algebraic types and thus provides a general framework for talking about the derivatives of ADTs.
So, ultimately, my question is whether or not we can write
instance Diff t => Comonad (Zipper t) where ...
which could be used to subsume the specific Comonad instance described above:
instance Diff Bin where
data D Bin a = DBin { context :: [Step a], descend :: Maybe (Bin a, Bin a) }
Unfortunately, I've had no luck writing such an instance. Is the inTo
signature sufficient? Is there something else needed to constrain the types? Is this instance even possible?
Like the childcatcher in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang luring kids into captivity with sweets and toys, recruiters to undergraduate Physics like to fool about with soap bubbles and boomerangs, but when the door clangs shut, it's "Right, children, time to learn about partial differentiation!". Me too. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Here's another warning: the following code needs {-# LANGUAGE KitchenSink #-}
, or rather
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections, GADTs, DataKinds,
TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
StandaloneDeriving, UndecidableInstances #-}
in no particular order.
What is a differentiable functor, anyway?
class (Functor f, Functor (DF f)) => Diff1 f where
type DF f :: * -> *
upF :: ZF f x -> f x
downF :: f x -> f (ZF f x)
aroundF :: ZF f x -> ZF f (ZF f x)
data ZF f x = (:<-:) {cxF :: DF f x, elF :: x}
It's a functor which has a derivative, which is also a functor. The derivative represents a one-hole context for an element. The zipper type ZF f x
represents the pair of a one-hole context and the element in the hole.
The operations for Diff1
describe the kinds of navigation we can do on zippers (without any notion of "leftward" and "rightward", for which see my Clowns and Jokers paper). We can go "upward", reassembling the structure by plugging the element in its hole. We can go "downward", finding every way to visit an element in a give structure: we decorate every element with its context. We can go "around",
taking an existing zipper and decorating each element with its context, so we find all the ways to refocus (and how to keep our current focus).
Now, the type of aroundF
might remind some of you of
class Functor c => Comonad c where
extract :: c x -> x
duplicate :: c x -> c (c x)
and you're right to be reminded! We have, with a hop and a skip,
instance Diff1 f => Functor (ZF f) where
fmap f (df :<-: x) = fmap f df :<-: f x
instance Diff1 f => Comonad (ZF f) where
extract = elF
duplicate = aroundF
and we insist that
extract . duplicate == id
fmap extract . duplicate == id
duplicate . duplicate == fmap duplicate . duplicate
We also need that
fmap extract (downF xs) == xs -- downF decorates the element in position
fmap upF (downF xs) = fmap (const xs) xs -- downF gives the correct context
Constant functors are differentiable.
data KF a x = KF a
instance Functor (KF a) where
fmap f (KF a) = KF a
instance Diff1 (KF a) where
type DF (KF a) = KF Void
upF (KF w :<-: _) = absurd w
downF (KF a) = KF a
aroundF (KF w :<-: _) = absurd w
There's nowhere to put an element, so it's impossible to form a context. There's nowhere to go upF
or downF
from, and we easily find all none of the ways to go downF
The identity functor is differentiable.
data IF x = IF x
instance Functor IF where
fmap f (IF x) = IF (f x)
instance Diff1 IF where
type DF IF = KF ()
upF (KF () :<-: x) = IF x
downF (IF x) = IF (KF () :<-: x)
aroundF z@(KF () :<-: x) = KF () :<-: z
There's one element in a trivial context, downF
finds it, upF
repacks it, and aroundF
can only stay put.
Sum preserves differentiability.
data (f :+: g) x = LF (f x) | RF (g x)
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g) where
fmap h (LF f) = LF (fmap h f)
fmap h (RF g) = RF (fmap h g)
instance (Diff1 f, Diff1 g) => Diff1 (f :+: g) where
type DF (f :+: g) = DF f :+: DF g
upF (LF f' :<-: x) = LF (upF (f' :<-: x))
upF (RF g' :<-: x) = RF (upF (g' :<-: x))
The other bits and pieces are a bit more of a handful. To go downF
, we must go downF
inside the tagged component, then fix up the resulting zippers to show the tag in the context.
downF (LF f) = LF (fmap (\ (f' :<-: x) -> LF f' :<-: x) (downF f))
downF (RF g) = RF (fmap (\ (g' :<-: x) -> RF g' :<-: x) (downF g))
To go aroundF
, we strip the tag, figure out how to go around the untagged thing, then restore the tag in all the resulting zippers. The element in focus, x
, is replaced by its entire zipper, z
aroundF z@(LF f' :<-: (x :: x)) =
LF (fmap (\ (f' :<-: x) -> LF f' :<-: x) . cxF $ aroundF (f' :<-: x :: ZF f x))
:<-: z
aroundF z@(RF g' :<-: (x :: x)) =
RF (fmap (\ (g' :<-: x) -> RF g' :<-: x) . cxF $ aroundF (g' :<-: x :: ZF g x))
:<-: z
Note that I had to use ScopedTypeVariables
to disambiguate the recursive calls to aroundF
. As a type function, DF
is not injective, so the fact that f' :: D f x
is not enough to force f' :<-: x :: Z f x
Product preserves differentiability.
data (f :*: g) x = f x :*: g x
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :*: g) where
fmap h (f :*: g) = fmap h f :*: fmap h g
To focus on an element in a pair, you either focus on the left and leave the right alone, or vice versa. Leibniz's famous product rule corresponds to a simple spatial intuition!
instance (Diff1 f, Diff1 g) => Diff1 (f :*: g) where
type DF (f :*: g) = (DF f :*: g) :+: (f :*: DF g)
upF (LF (f' :*: g) :<-: x) = upF (f' :<-: x) :*: g
upF (RF (f :*: g') :<-: x) = f :*: upF (g' :<-: x)
Now, downF
works similarly to the way it did for sums, except that we have to fix up the zipper context not only with a tag (to show which way we went) but also with the untouched other component.
downF (f :*: g)
= fmap (\ (f' :<-: x) -> LF (f' :*: g) :<-: x) (downF f)
:*: fmap (\ (g' :<-: x) -> RF (f :*: g') :<-: x) (downF g)
But aroundF
is a massive bag of laughs. Whichever side we are currently visiting, we have two choices:
on that side.upF
out of that side and downF
into the other side.Each case requires us to make use of the operations for the substructure, then fix up contexts.
aroundF z@(LF (f' :*: g) :<-: (x :: x)) =
LF (fmap (\ (f' :<-: x) -> LF (f' :*: g) :<-: x)
(cxF $ aroundF (f' :<-: x :: ZF f x))
:*: fmap (\ (g' :<-: x) -> RF (f :*: g') :<-: x) (downF g))
:<-: z
where f = upF (f' :<-: x)
aroundF z@(RF (f :*: g') :<-: (x :: x)) =
RF (fmap (\ (f' :<-: x) -> LF (f' :*: g) :<-: x) (downF f) :*:
fmap (\ (g' :<-: x) -> RF (f :*: g') :<-: x)
(cxF $ aroundF (g' :<-: x :: ZF g x)))
:<-: z
where g = upF (g' :<-: x)
Phew! The polynomials are all differentiable, and thus give us comonads.
Hmm. It's all a bit abstract. So I added deriving Show
everywhere I could, and threw in
deriving instance (Show (DF f x), Show x) => Show (ZF f x)
which allowed the following interaction (tidied up by hand)
> downF (IF 1 :*: IF 2)
IF (LF (KF () :*: IF 2) :<-: 1) :*: IF (RF (IF 1 :*: KF ()) :<-: 2)
> fmap aroundF it
IF (LF (KF () :*: IF (RF (IF 1 :*: KF ()) :<-: 2)) :<-: (LF (KF () :*: IF 2) :<-: 1))
IF (RF (IF (LF (KF () :*: IF 2) :<-: 1) :*: KF ()) :<-: (RF (IF 1 :*: KF ()) :<-: 2))
Exercise Show that the composition of differentiable functors is differentiable, using the chain rule.
Sweet! Can we go home now? Of course not. We haven't differentiated any recursive structures yet.
A Bifunctor
, as the existing literature on datatype generic programming (see work by Patrik Jansson and Johan Jeuring, or excellent lecture notes by Jeremy Gibbons) explains at length is a type constructor with two parameters, corresponding to two sorts of substructure. We should be able to "map" both.
class Bifunctor b where
bimap :: (x -> x') -> (y -> y') -> b x y -> b x' y'
We can use Bifunctor
s to give the node structure of recursive containers. Each node has subnodes and elements. These can just be the two sorts of substructure.
data Mu b y = In (b (Mu b y) y)
See? We "tie the recursive knot" in b
's first argument, and keep the parameter y
in its second. Accordingly, we obtain once for all
instance Bifunctor b => Functor (Mu b) where
fmap f (In b) = In (bimap (fmap f) f b)
To use this, we'll need a kit of Bifunctor
Constants are bifunctorial.
newtype K a x y = K a
instance Bifunctor (K a) where
bimap f g (K a) = K a
You can tell I wrote this bit first, because the identifiers are shorter, but that's good because the code is longer.
Variables are bifunctorial.
We need the bifunctors corresponding to one parameter or the other, so I made a datatype to distinguish them, then defined a suitable GADT.
data Var = X | Y
data V :: Var -> * -> * -> * where
XX :: x -> V X x y
YY :: y -> V Y x y
That makes V X x y
a copy of x
and V Y x y
a copy of y
. Accordingly
instance Bifunctor (V v) where
bimap f g (XX x) = XX (f x)
bimap f g (YY y) = YY (g y)
Sums and Products of bifunctors are bifunctors
data (:++:) f g x y = L (f x y) | R (g x y) deriving Show
instance (Bifunctor b, Bifunctor c) => Bifunctor (b :++: c) where
bimap f g (L b) = L (bimap f g b)
bimap f g (R b) = R (bimap f g b)
data (:**:) f g x y = f x y :**: g x y deriving Show
instance (Bifunctor b, Bifunctor c) => Bifunctor (b :**: c) where
bimap f g (b :**: c) = bimap f g b :**: bimap f g c
So far, so boilerplate, but now we can define things like
List = Mu (K () :++: (V Y :**: V X))
Bin = Mu (V Y :**: (K () :++: (V X :**: V X)))
If you want to use these types for actual data and not go blind in the pointilliste tradition of Georges Seurat, use pattern synonyms.
But what of zippers? How shall we show that Mu b
is differentiable? We shall need to show that b
is differentiable in both variables. Clang! It's time to learn about partial differentiation.
Because we have two variables, we shall need to be able to talk about them collectively sometimes and individually at other times. We shall need the singleton family:
data Vary :: Var -> * where
VX :: Vary X
VY :: Vary Y
Now we can say what it means for a Bifunctor to have partial derivatives at each variable, and give the corresponding notion of zipper.
class (Bifunctor b, Bifunctor (D b X), Bifunctor (D b Y)) => Diff2 b where
type D b (v :: Var) :: * -> * -> *
up :: Vary v -> Z b v x y -> b x y
down :: b x y -> b (Z b X x y) (Z b Y x y)
around :: Vary v -> Z b v x y -> Z b v (Z b X x y) (Z b Y x y)
data Z b v x y = (:<-) {cxZ :: D b v x y, elZ :: V v x y}
This D
operation needs to know which variable to target. The corresponding zipper Z b v
tells us which variable v
must be in focus. When we "decorate with context", we have to decorate x
-elements with X
-contexts and y
-elements with Y
-contexts. But otherwise, it's the same story.
We have two remaining tasks: firstly, to show that our bifunctor kit is differentiable; secondly, to show that Diff2 b
allows us to establish Diff1 (Mu b)
I'm afraid this bit is fiddly rather than edifying. Feel free to skip along.
The constants are as before.
instance Diff2 (K a) where
type D (K a) v = K Void
up _ (K q :<- _) = absurd q
down (K a) = K a
around _ (K q :<- _) = absurd q
On this occasion, life is too short to develop the theory of the type level Kronecker-delta, so I just treated the variables separately.
instance Diff2 (V X) where
type D (V X) X = K ()
type D (V X) Y = K Void
up VX (K () :<- XX x) = XX x
up VY (K q :<- _) = absurd q
down (XX x) = XX (K () :<- XX x)
around VX z@(K () :<- XX x) = K () :<- XX z
around VY (K q :<- _) = absurd q
instance Diff2 (V Y) where
type D (V Y) X = K Void
type D (V Y) Y = K ()
up VX (K q :<- _) = absurd q
up VY (K () :<- YY y) = YY y
down (YY y) = YY (K () :<- YY y)
around VX (K q :<- _) = absurd q
around VY z@(K () :<- YY y) = K () :<- YY z
For the structural cases, I found it useful to introduce a helper allowing me to treat variables uniformly.
vV :: Vary v -> Z b v x y -> V v (Z b X x y) (Z b Y x y)
vV VX z = XX z
vV VY z = YY z
I then built gadgets to facilitate the kind of "retagging" we need for down
and around
. (Of course, I saw which gadgets I needed as I was working.)
zimap :: (Bifunctor c) => (forall v. Vary v -> D b v x y -> D b' v x y) ->
c (Z b X x y) (Z b Y x y) -> c (Z b' X x y) (Z b' Y x y)
zimap f = bimap
(\ (d :<- XX x) -> f VX d :<- XX x)
(\ (d :<- YY y) -> f VY d :<- YY y)
dzimap :: (Bifunctor (D c X), Bifunctor (D c Y)) =>
(forall v. Vary v -> D b v x y -> D b' v x y) ->
Vary v -> Z c v (Z b X x y) (Z b Y x y) -> D c v (Z b' X x y) (Z b' Y x y)
dzimap f VX (d :<- _) = bimap
(\ (d :<- XX x) -> f VX d :<- XX x)
(\ (d :<- YY y) -> f VY d :<- YY y)
dzimap f VY (d :<- _) = bimap
(\ (d :<- XX x) -> f VX d :<- XX x)
(\ (d :<- YY y) -> f VY d :<- YY y)
And with that lot ready to go, we can grind out the details. Sums are easy.
instance (Diff2 b, Diff2 c) => Diff2 (b :++: c) where
type D (b :++: c) v = D b v :++: D c v
up v (L b' :<- vv) = L (up v (b' :<- vv))
down (L b) = L (zimap (const L) (down b))
down (R c) = R (zimap (const R) (down c))
around v z@(L b' :<- vv :: Z (b :++: c) v x y)
= L (dzimap (const L) v ba) :<- vV v z
where ba = around v (b' :<- vv :: Z b v x y)
around v z@(R c' :<- vv :: Z (b :++: c) v x y)
= R (dzimap (const R) v ca) :<- vV v z
where ca = around v (c' :<- vv :: Z c v x y)
Products are hard work, which is why I'm a mathematician rather than an engineer.
instance (Diff2 b, Diff2 c) => Diff2 (b :**: c) where
type D (b :**: c) v = (D b v :**: c) :++: (b :**: D c v)
up v (L (b' :**: c) :<- vv) = up v (b' :<- vv) :**: c
up v (R (b :**: c') :<- vv) = b :**: up v (c' :<- vv)
down (b :**: c) =
zimap (const (L . (:**: c))) (down b) :**: zimap (const (R . (b :**:))) (down c)
around v z@(L (b' :**: c) :<- vv :: Z (b :**: c) v x y)
= L (dzimap (const (L . (:**: c))) v ba :**:
zimap (const (R . (b :**:))) (down c))
:<- vV v z where
b = up v (b' :<- vv :: Z b v x y)
ba = around v (b' :<- vv :: Z b v x y)
around v z@(R (b :**: c') :<- vv :: Z (b :**: c) v x y)
= R (zimap (const (L . (:**: c))) (down b):**:
dzimap (const (R . (b :**:))) v ca)
:<- vV v z where
c = up v (c' :<- vv :: Z c v x y)
ca = around v (c' :<- vv :: Z c v x y)
Conceptually, it's just as before, but with more bureaucracy. I built these using pre-type-hole technology, using undefined
as a stub in places I wasn't ready to work, and introducing a deliberate type error in the one place (at any given time) where I wanted a useful hint from the typechecker. You too can have the typechecking as videogame experience, even in Haskell.
The partial derivative of b
with respect to X
tells us how to find a subnode one step inside a node, so we get the conventional notion of zipper.
data MuZpr b y = MuZpr
{ aboveMu :: [D b X (Mu b y) y]
, hereMu :: Mu b y
We can zoom all the way up to the root by repeated plugging in X
muUp :: Diff2 b => MuZpr b y -> Mu b y
muUp (MuZpr {aboveMu = [], hereMu = t}) = t
muUp (MuZpr {aboveMu = (dX : dXs), hereMu = t}) =
muUp (MuZpr {aboveMu = dXs, hereMu = In (up VX (dX :<- XX t))})
But we need element-zippers.
Each element is somewhere inside a node. That node is sitting under a stack of X
-derivatives. But the position of the element in that node is given by a Y
-derivative. We get
data MuCx b y = MuCx
{ aboveY :: [D b X (Mu b y) y]
, belowY :: D b Y (Mu b y) y
instance Diff2 b => Functor (MuCx b) where
fmap f (MuCx { aboveY = dXs, belowY = dY }) = MuCx
{ aboveY = map (bimap (fmap f) f) dXs
, belowY = bimap (fmap f) f dY
Boldly, I claim
instance Diff2 b => Diff1 (Mu b) where
type DF (Mu b) = MuCx b
but before I develop the operations, I'll need some bits and pieces.
I can trade data between functor-zippers and bifunctor-zippers as follows:
zAboveY :: ZF (Mu b) y -> [D b X (Mu b y) y] -- the stack of `X`-derivatives above me
zAboveY (d :<-: y) = aboveY d
zZipY :: ZF (Mu b) y -> Z b Y (Mu b y) y -- the `Y`-zipper where I am
zZipY (d :<-: y) = belowY d :<- YY y
That's enough to let me define:
upF z = muUp (MuZpr {aboveMu = zAboveY z, hereMu = In (up VY (zZipY z))})
That is, we go up by first reassembling the node where the element is, turning an element-zipper into a subnode-zipper, then zooming all the way out, as above.
Next, I say
downF = yOnDown []
to go down starting with the empty stack, and define the helper function which goes down
repeatedly from below any stack:
yOnDown :: Diff2 b => [D b X (Mu b y) y] -> Mu b y -> Mu b (ZF (Mu b) y)
yOnDown dXs (In b) = In (contextualize dXs (down b))
Now, down b
only takes us inside the node. The zippers we need must also carry the node's context. That's what contextualise
contextualize :: (Bifunctor c, Diff2 b) =>
[D b X (Mu b y) y] ->
c (Z b X (Mu b y) y) (Z b Y (Mu b y) y) ->
c (Mu b (ZF (Mu b) y)) (ZF (Mu b) y)
contextualize dXs = bimap
(\ (dX :<- XX t) -> yOnDown (dX : dXs) t)
(\ (dY :<- YY y) -> MuCx {aboveY = dXs, belowY = dY} :<-: y)
For every Y
-position, we must give an element-zipper, so it is good we know the whole context dXs
back to the root, as well as the dY
which describes how the element sits in its node. For every X
-position, there is a further subtree to explore, so we grow the stack and keep going!
That leaves only the business of shifting focus. We might stay put, or go down from where we are, or go up, or go up and then down some other path. Here goes.
aroundF z@(MuCx {aboveY = dXs, belowY = dY} :<-: _) = MuCx
{ aboveY = yOnUp dXs (In (up VY (zZipY z)))
, belowY = contextualize dXs (cxZ $ around VY (zZipY z))
} :<-: z
As ever, the existing element is replaced by its entire zipper. For the belowY
part, we look where else we can go in the existing node: we will find either alternative element Y
-positions or further X
-subnodes to explore, so we contextualise
them. For the aboveY
part, we must work our way back up the stack of X
-derivatives after reassembling the node we were visiting.
yOnUp :: Diff2 b => [D b X (Mu b y) y] -> Mu b y ->
[D b X (Mu b (ZF (Mu b) y)) (ZF (Mu b) y)]
yOnUp [] t = []
yOnUp (dX : dXs) (t :: Mu b y)
= contextualize dXs (cxZ $ around VX (dX :<- XX t))
: yOnUp dXs (In (up VX (dX :<- XX t)))
At each step of the way, we can either turn somewhere else that's around
, or keep going up.
And that's it! I haven't given a formal proof of the laws, but it looks to me as if the operations carefully maintain the context correctly as they crawl the structure.
Differentiability induces notions of thing-in-its-context, inducing a comonadic structure where extract
gives you the thing and duplicate
explores the context looking for other things to contextualise. If we have the appropriate differential structure for nodes, we can develop differential structure for whole trees.
Oh, and treating each individual arity of type constructor separately is blatantly horrendous. The better way is to work with functors between indexed sets
f :: (i -> *) -> (o -> *)
where we make o
different sorts of structure storing i
different sorts of element. These are closed under the Jacobian construction
J f :: (i -> *) -> ((o, i) -> *)
where each of the resulting (o, i)
-structures is a partial derivative, telling you how to make an i
-element-hole in an o
-structure. But that's dependently typed fun, for another time.