In my meteor.js application, I am dynamically loading the templates;
{{#DynamicTemplate template=getTemplate data=getData}}
Default content when there is no template.
When I am loading sub-templates, is it possible to wait to render the sub-template until sub-templates's data ready which comes from getData? I mean is there something like waitOn function of the iron-router that I can do? Thank you
An approach you could take is to subscribe in the template's created
function, then when rendering the template, first check each subscription's ready()
and if they aren't all true, then render a loading display.
<template name="templateWithSubscription">
{{#if ready}}
<!-- actual content -->
Template.templateWithSubscription.created = function () {
this.subscriptions = [
Meteor.subscribe(/* ... */),
Meteor.subscribe(/* ... */),
/* ... */
Template.templateWithSubscription.destroyed = function () {
_.each(this.subscriptions, function (sub) {
ready: function () {
return _.all(Template.instance().subscriptions, function (sub) {
return sub.ready();
A similar approach can be used for other data sources (e.g. methods).