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Strange information on SauceLabs and test do not work correctly

run tests on Firefox after that on Chrome. Test which run on FF works correctly. Test with the same code but another driver settings(for Chrome) do not work correctly. I have following info from Saucelab's Chrome:

error from saucelabs

I create driver by that way:

        public void Init()
            DesiredCapabilities capabillities = DesiredCapabilities.Chrome();
            capabillities.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Platform, "Windows 8.1");
            capabillities.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Version, "36");

            capabillities.SetCapability("name", "R(...)");
            capabillities.SetCapability("username", "My username");
            capabillities.SetCapability("accessKey", "my acces key value");

            driver = new RemoteWebDriver(
                new Uri(""), capabillities);
            baseURL = "http://starting address without www";


Test fails after one command. The page loaded and after that error that he can not find element. I have tried many posibilities to find elem(by id, css, xpath).

Any idea what am I doing wrong?


  • The "www" is necessary before web address to correctly runs test in Chrome on Saucelabs.

    driver = new RemoteWebDriver(
                    new Uri(""), capabillities);
                baseURL = "http://www.(...)";