If I have a morph that contains submorphs, and I delete it, what messages get sent to the submorphs? delete
is not being sent.
Here is the situation. I have a container Morph (not subclassed) which holds some submorphs of class MyMorph. After I open the container Morph in world, I close it (from the Morphic halo, or by sending it delete
from an inspector. I want the MyMorphs to do something at that time. But I don’t want to make a subclass just for the container Morph. (If I did that, I could just handle delete
and have it send some message to each MyMorph). So, is there some message that does get sent by the Morph to each of its submorphs when handling delete
Use the intoWorld:
/ outOfWorld:
For an example see MorphTest>>testIntoWorldDeleteOutOfWorld
(which uses TestInWorldMorph