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solve callback hell on class initializer for node.js

I am using npm package "mssql" In order to open connection. I have to do:

var getOneToken = function (callback) {
    var token = "";

    var connection = new sql.Connection(dbConfig, function(err){   //<-----line 3
        if(err) console.log(err);

        var sqlrequest = new sql.Request(connection);

        sqlrequest.query('select top 1 [accessToken] from AccessToken', function(err, recordset){
            if(err) console.log(err);

            token = recordset[0]['accessToken'];


    //how to await the whole block at the top and prevent early execution of code afterwards.

The code in this block need to be delayed until database return the result, which is the token. Then further operation can be carried out.

I don't know how to await the code.

Since I tried:

connection = await { new sql.Connection(dbConfig, defer (var err)) }  

It fails. Because tamejs don't allow you to put keyword 'await' over there.

I also use bluebird, asyncawait library, however, it is very hard to flatten the whole block and 'await' on class initialize especially for line 3.

How to deal with this problem ?


  • function sqlConnect(dbConfig, cb) {
      var conn = new sql.Connection(dbConfig);
      conn.connect(function (err) {
        cb(err, conn);


    sqlConnect(dbConfig, function (err, conn) {
      // do your stuff here

    Or using tamejs:

    var err, conn;
    await { sqlConnect(dbConfig, defer(err, conn); }
    // do your stuff here

    To layout callbacks, you may also want to take a look at async

    Update: If what you want is only avoid callback chain, you don't need to extract a new function for establishing connection. Instead, you can rewrite your function like this:

    var getOneToken = function (dbConfig, cb) {
        var err, recordset;
        var token = "";
        var conn = new sql.Connection(dbConfig);
        await { conn.connect(defer(err)); }
        if (err) {
        var request = new sql.Request(conn);
        await { request.query('select top 1 [accessToken] from AccessToken', defer(err, recordset)); }
        if (err) {
        } else {
            token = recordset[0]['accessToken'];