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How to test the rendering of the right template

I want to test that my application is rendering the right template in play framework 2.3.x, something like:

"Index" should{
    "render index template" in new WithApplication{
      val result = call(controller.index, FakeRequest())
      someFunction(result) must render(views.html.index)

Something similar to what rspec does:

response.should render_template("success")

Is it possible, what's the recommended way in play?


  • For a simple controller function like that, I would check the content of the response, versus the content of the rendered template. Note that a template is rendered as Html, so you must call toString to compare with the content of the Result. I like to check the content type and status of the Result as well.

    "Index" should {
        "render index template" in new WithApplication {
            val request = FakeRequest(GET, '/') // I prefer using the router, but it doesn't matter that much.
            val Some(result) = route(request)
            val expectedContent = views.html.index().toString
            contentAsString(result) must equalTo(expectedContent)
            contentType(result) must equalTo("text/html")
            status(result) must equalTo(OK)