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return scrambled sentence python

I am trying to write a code that will scramble the words in a sentence and return a string that is in a different order

from random import shuffle
def scramble():
  a=len("this is a sentence")
  for i in range(a):
random.shuffle("this is a sentence")

Not sure if I am even on the right track, however I believe the loop might be the issue


  • random.shuffle works on a a sequence, not a string. So first, use str.split to split the sentence into a list of words, call shuffle that, then turn it into a string again using str.join:

    from random import shuffle
    def scramble(sentence):
       split = sentence.split()  # Split the string into a list of words
       shuffle(split)  # This shuffles the list in-place.
       return ' '.join(split)  # Turn the list back into a string
    print scramble("this is a sentence")


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