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Different triggers for different executable tasks in the same project

Is it possible in any way to have different triggers for different executable tasks within the same project?

For example: I've got several .bat-scripts that shall be run in different intervals. Some once every 2 hours, some once a day and some only weekly. I haven't figured out yet if it's possible to have this in only one project since i want to avoid splitting them all up into their own projects in order to keep the CCTray clearly arranged.

Does anyone have an idea how i can achieve the described result within one project?


  • I managed to do it now, here is what i did:

    I created several parameter triggers which all pass a different parameter and added conditions to all my tasks. Due to that i achieved what i wanted because each task only runs if the specific parameter trigger was activated and the corresponding value is set. I chose named values as parameters and compare values as condition.