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Can nested attributes be used in combination with inheritance?

I have the following classes:

  • Project
  • Person
  • Person > Developer
  • Person > Manager

In the Project model I have added the following statements:

has_and_belongs_to_many :people
accepts_nested_attributes_for :people

And of course the appropriate statements in the class Person. How can I add a Developer to a Project through the nested_attributes method? The following does not work:

@p.people_attributes = [{:name => "Epic Beard Man", :type => "Developer"}]
=> [#<Person id: nil, name: "Epic Beard Man", type: nil>]

As you can see the type attributes is set to nil instead of "Developer".


  • I encountered a similar problem few days ago. The inheritance column(i.e. type) in a STI model is a protected attribute. Do the following to override the default protection in your Person class.

    Rails 2.3

    class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      def attributes_protected_by_default
        super - [self.class.inheritance_column]

    Rails 3

    Refer to the solution suggested by @tokland.


    You are overriding the system protected attribute.


    SO Question on the topic