I'm using WIX Link, and I'm instaling *exe file, lets say program.exe by:
<ExePackage Id="Dependency1" Name="Program" Cache="no" Compressed="yes" PerMachine="yes" Permanent="yes" Vital="yes"
InstallCommand="/S CONF_FILE="%appdata%/program/programConfig.xml"; ..."
And it's dont load that files, the path is ok, and when I'm starting program.exe by cmd:
program.exe CONF_FILE="%appdata%/program/programConfig.xml"
it works fine, is there any problem refering to appdata in WIX?
Burn doesn't expand environment variables. You need to use the built-in Burn variable AppDataFolder
InstallCommand='/S CONF_FILE="[AppDataFolder]program\programConfig.xml" ...'