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TastyPie and Django authorization with ApiKeyAuthentication

I've been struggling with this for a bit, pouring over a bunch of other SO answers but can't seem to figure out how to authenticate a user to my Django site using the ApiKeyAuthentication.

In this answer the accepted answer states "Add the username and api_key parameters to your GET variables". My question is, how do I know what the api key is, if TastyPie is generating the key for me? If I wanted to create my own key, where would I put that key?

Here's my

class SystemResource(ModelResource):
  user = fields.ForeignKey(UserResource, 'user')

  class Meta:
    querySet = System.objects.all()
    resource_name = 'system'
    authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()

When I call the URL: it fails, kicking me to my login page. Of course, the 123456789 is quite made up, I have not listed that key anywhere so in some ways it's obvious this is failing).

In the docs, it discusses either creating an Authorization header, or supplying the username/api_ky in the request. But again, if I'm supplying the api_key in the request, how do I know what that key should be? Where is it defined on the server?

Any help?


  • In order to create an API Key for your Tastypie you should go to the Admin site, and in the TastyPie app, add a new API Key. Choose the user, leave the key blank, and it will autogenerate one for you ;)