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How to use fragment in Ajax.RouteLink?

I have a working Ajax.RouteLink, I want to add a fragment. I can't figure out correct syntax.

Working route without fragment:

return Ajax.RouteLink(
            new { caseNo = caseNo, controller = controllerName, option = contentOption },
            new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "caseContent", HttpMethod = "Post", OnBegin = onBegin, OnSuccess = onSuccess },
            new { Class = cssClass + (contentOption != null && contentOption == contentView ? " active" : "") });

Compiler Error RouteLink with fragment:

return Ajax.RouteLink(
            linkText: linkText,
            routeName: routeName,
            protocol: null,
            hostName: null,
            fragment: fragment,
            routeValues: new { caseNo = caseNo, controller = controllerName, option = contentOption },
            ajaxOptions: new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId = "caseContent", HttpMethod = "Post", OnBegin = onBegin, OnSuccess = onSuccess },
            htmlAttributes: new { Class = cssClass + (contentOption != null && contentOption == contentView ? " active" : "") }

Errors with routeValues and htmlAttributes. Cannot convert from anonymous type.

I tried:

routeValues: new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() { caseNo = caseNo, controller = controllerName, option = contentOption }

but then the complier complains about my routing parms (caseNo, controller, option).

Also, is it okay to leave protocol and hostname null, as I'm not changing those?


  • The only problem I see is your use of Class in htmlAttributes for both calls of Ajax.RouteLink you posted. You can't use Class, as it's a reserved word. The workaround is to prefix an @, i.e. @class.

    Sorry, you're right about that. I got tricked, I think, by the syntax highlighting. Anyways, after taking another look, I found your problem. I don't use any of the Ajax.* helpers personally, so I'm not familiar with their signatures. So I took a look at the MSDN documentation on the extension method. Simply there's no overload that allows passing a fragment and anonymous objects for routeValues and htmlAttributes. If you want to use the fragment version(s) then you must pass RouteValueDictionary and IDictionary<string, object> for routeValues and htmlAttributes, respectively.

    The issue you're having with RouteValueDictionary is that you need to actually initialize with dictionary members, so { "caseNo", caseNo } rather than caseNo = caseNo.