The documentation boasts this "wonderful" example of how to style the group headers.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:GroupHeaderControl}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:GroupHeaderControl}">
<Border Background="Orange" BorderThickness="2">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource
TemplatedParent}, Path=Group.IsExpanded}"/>
The problem is that this applies the template globally to all Grids and all Groups.
What I would really really really like to know is, how to specify the Template to use for the GroupHeaderControl for just 1 group?
Something like: (Does not work)
<xcdg:Column Title="Station" FieldName="Station">
<xcdg:GroupConfiguration UseDefaultHeadersFooters="False" >
<xcdg:GroupHeaderControl Template="{StaticResource customtableViewGroupHeaderControlTemplate}" />
<xcdg:GroupHeaderFooterItemTemplate VisibleWhenCollapsed="True" />
Does anyone know how to address this?
I found an answer almost by accident. To set this template individually you must do the following:
In your resources add the following:
<DataTemplate x:Key="GroupByTest">
<xcdg:GroupHeaderControl Template="{StaticResource MyGroupHeaderControlTemplate}" />
Doing this will allow you set the individual Group Headers Template. However doing this seems to create a whole slew of other little issues that have to be resolved.