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process functions and variables from derived class of abstract

How do i circumvent questioning from any derived class and writing the code twice?

I have tried the following:

Type t = GetType(obj); 
(obj as t).health

By doing this, Visual Sudio saysme health is not member of... blah

Here's my code:

// gameobjects-class    
abstract gameobject
Vector2 Position
void update()

class meteor : gameobject
float rotation

class player : gameobject
int health, attackpower

class enemy: gameobject
int health, attackpower

External class accessing data from GameObject

class anyclass
void checkhealth(gameobject obj)   // QUESTION:
if (obj as player).health = 0      // 
     kill(obj)                     // 
if (obj as enemy).health = 0       // 
     kill(obj)                     // 

Any suggestion? Thanks!


  • You can create an interface for living objects and then pass that to the method

    interface ILivingGameObject
        int Health {get;set;}
    class Player : GameObject, ILivingGameObject
    void CheckHealth(ILivingGameObject obj)
         if(obj.Health == 0)

    You can read more on Interfaces here

    Alternatively you can create a LivingObject class that both player and enemy inherit from and pass this to the method

    class LivingObject : GameObject
        int Health {get;set;}
    class Player : LivingObject
    void CheckHealth(LivingObject obj)