I am working on a project to detect Eye Gaze using opencv in the C++ language , I was able to detect the face and the eyes , but still no luck with making it stable
The main problem is that when I ask to detect the right eye for example sometimes it gets mixed up with the left eye , even though I am using the cascade that is for the right eye
So , the question is how to restrict the detection on specific eye with no collision with the other , and if you have any good way to use the detected parts in the gaze estimation , I can provide the code if it is needed
Best to you all , Ahmad
I'm sorry, I'm a new user so I cannot comment.
Do you have access to the entire face? If so you can use simple geometry to set the region of interest to exclude the right part of the face, and run the eye cascade only on the left side, for example.
It's also useful to exclude the bottom (mouth) since the eye cascade gives a lot of false positives.