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Can get an average of values in a json array using postgres?

One of the great things about postgres is that it allows indexing into a json object.

I have a column of data formatted a little bit like this:


What I'd like to do is find the average RetailPrice of each row with these data.

Something like

select avg(json_extract_path_text(item_json, 'RetailPrice')) 

but really I need to do this for each item in the items json object. So for this example, the value in the queried cell would be 3.285

How can I do this?


  • Could work like this:

    WITH cte(tbl_id, json_items) AS ( 
       SELECT 1
            , '{"Items": [
    SELECT tbl_id, round(avg((elem->>'RetailPrice')::numeric), 3) AS avg_retail_price
    FROM   cte c
         , json_array_elements(c.json_items->'Items') elem
    GROUP  BY 1;

    The CTE just substitutes for a table like:

    CREATE TABLE tbl (
       tbl_id     serial PRIMARY KEY
     , json_items json