I’m using this code to add each selected track in iTunes to a list in AppleScript Obj-C:
tell application "iTunes"
set these_titles to {}
if selection is not {} then
set mySelection to selection
repeat with aTrack in mySelection
if class of aTrack is file track then
set end of these_titles to ((name of aTrack) as string)
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
I have this line to show the output in a text box in the GUI:
trackTable's setStringValue_(these_titles)
But it comes out like this:
Is there any way I can get each list item on one line, sans the quotation marks and brackets?
That is the proper output for a list. If you want it coerced to a string in a particular format, you need to do that explicitly. Simply change the delimiter used for lists and then coerce the variable into a string, which will place that delimiter as text between each list item. So, add this code to the end of your code:
set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set these_titles to these_titles as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
Change the delimiter to whatever you want, in place of the comma and space.