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Accessing Cygwin paths from Scala REPL

I'm setting up Scala on my Windows machine, and trying to run it from Cygwin. I'm able to launch a REPL and execute commands, but when I tried to pre-load a file (-i) I was told the file didn't exist:

$ scala -i /home/username/preload.scala
That file does not exist

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Now, the file does exist in the terminal:

$ [ -f /home/username/preload.scala ] && echo EXISTS

But Scala can't find it. It turns out, Scala is using the Windows directory root, rather than Cygwin's:

scala> Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get("/")).asScala.foreach{println}
\Documents and Settings
\Program Files
\Program Files (x86)
\System Volume Information

But now I'm at a bit of a loss. How can I tell the Scala REPL to use Cygwin paths, or conversely how can I configure Cygwin to properly launch Scala?


  • You can't.

    Some cygwin conversion is done in the launcher script, for classpaths, but it doesn't do file arguments.

    Consider scala file.scala and scala pkg.Main as ambiguous.

    Edit: maybe it's worth a feature request, since, besides -i handling, you can try to detect file paths to convert (slashes and colons).

    (This is the same condition from plain Java, of course.)