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MQL4 Trade Is Disabled

I've been using MQL4 for a couple of days now, but recently I've been getting the error message:

(133) trade is disabled

when performing an order.

From reading the different forums, I understand the common belief is that I have to talk to my broker to enable Expert Advisors, but trading DID work for me (on and off) until now!

Has anyone else encountered this error - NOT relating to enable EA from the server?


  • No need to talk to your Broker

    MetaTrader4 Server side has nothing to do with this.

    Check your localhost Terminal settings

    There might be several reasons, why the EA was working ( "DID work" as you post it ) and still you get an error.

    An MT4.Terminal.Profile change can also cause this to happen.

    An MT4.Terminal.LogAnotherUser change can also cause this to happen.

    An MT4.Terminal.Graph change of { Symbol | Period } can also cause this to happen.

    Check Tools > Options > Expert Advisor [TAB] for active values in respective check-boxes for all the above.

    Check, if you are correctly logged-on to a correct ( not canceled ) trading account.

    Check, if your connection is green / working

    Check, if your trading Symbol has active market ( open trading hours )

    If still in troubles, send a few OrderSend()-s with PrintScreen-s and copy responses from Log-File & post here.