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Custom single page for custom post type, wordpress

I've just figured out how to make custom post types and feed them out onto a page, I am wondering if I can change the single post pages for them?

Can I just set up a single-news.php for example? If so, how would that PHP file be formatted and how does WordPress know to use that single-news.php file? I'm just looking to have them spit out the full article.

Thank you!!


  • After you created the CPT, do this for showing single posts of your CPT:

    • Duplicate the single.php file in your template and rename it like single-{post_type}.php (eg. single-movie.php)
    • Flush the permalinks from WordPress

    You can get more details from this post

    • Now if you want to show a list of CPT you can use get_posts() with args:

      $args = array( ... 'post_type' => 'movie' )