I am using xVal to validate my forms in asp.net MVC 1.0
Not sure why my regular expression isn't validating correctly.
For a zip code I expect one of the two patterns:
or 12345 -1234
Here are the two regex I tried:
(\d{5})((( -)(\d{4}))?)
(\d{5})|(\d{5} -\d{4})
Here is my MetaData class for xVal
public class TIDProfileStep
public class TIDProfileMetadata
[Required(ErrorMessage = " [Required] ")]
[RegularExpression(@"(\d{5})|(\d{5} -\d{4})", ErrorMessage = " Invalid Zip ")]
public string Zip { get; set; }
Here is my aspx page:
<% Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Profile", FormMethod.Post); %>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<%= Html.TextBox("Profile.Zip")%>
<input type="submit"/>
<% Html.EndForm(); %>
<% Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar()
.OnDocumentReady(() =>
{ %>
<%= Html.ClientSideValidation<TIDProfileStep>("Profile").SuppressScriptTags() %>
<% }); %>
I failed to mention that I was using a mask plugin for my input field. The mask plugin can be found here.
So on the text box if I were to fill in only the first 5 digits and then tab to the next field is would validate as false due to the mask plugin I have used. The mask plugin, puts in an underscore character for empty possiblities.... So for example:
_____ -____
would be the mask that it would put in the empty field on focus. If I fill in the first 5 digits I would have:
12345 -____
Then if I tab to the next field, the -____
is removed, but the input field needs to be re-validated onblur.
So what I did was re-validate the input field on blur and now it works.
$('#Zip').blur(function() {
I use this regex ^\d{5}( -\d{4})?$