I need to duplicate list in prolog.
I have list:
L = [a(string1,value1),a(string2,value2),a(string3,value3),a(string4,value4)].
Output will be: L = [string1, string2, string3, string4]
How can I do this?
I can copy whole list by code:
copy([H|L1],[H|L2]) :- copy(L1,L2).
I have tried something like:
copy2([H|L1],[K|L2]) :- member(f(K,_),H), copy2(L1,L2).
But it does not work properly.
But I need only strings from my original list. Can anyone help?
pattern matching is used to decompose arguments: you can do
copy([a(H,_)|L1],[H|L2]) :- copy(L1,L2).