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Multiple yield in Meteor.js application template

I have one general {{>yield}} for iron-router in a layout file which renders my pages, which are templates.

In one of my pages, I have a side menu and according to the selection in this menu, I want to load different templates related to this page in this page.

How can I achieve this?


  • I have done a similar thing using iron-router's layout template option. Say I want to create a home view with multiple views/templates inside of this home view that will change. First I would declare my route: () {
      this.route('home', {
      path: '/',
      template: 'myHomeTemplate',
      layoutTemplate: 'layout',
      yieldTemplates: {
        'myAsideTemplate': {to: 'aside'},
        'myFooter': {to: 'footer'}

    Where the html for the layout template would look like:

     <template name="layout">
         {{> yield region='aside'}}
        {{> yield}}
        {{> yield region='footer'}}

    So that the templates specified in the yields aside and footer get rendered in the specified spot. For your case you can specify a sidemenu yield.

    No that you have the basic layout and idea you can define another route. Say we call it differentHome. () {
      this.route('differentHome', {
      path: '/differentHome',
      template: 'myHomeTemplate',
      layoutTemplate: 'layout',
      yieldTemplates: {
        'myDifferentAsideTemplate': {to: 'aside'},
        'myDifferentFooter': {to: 'footer'}

    Notice on this route declaration I am changing the yield templates, but I am not changing the basic template that will be rendered in the main yield. Now on an event you can re-route which will change the two different yields templates:


    Or you can use html to route, say with a link.

    EDIT (Haphazard Solution):

    Use Session Variable To Dictate Side Menu choice.

    <template name="main">
       <div class="sideMenu">   
         {{#if sideMenu1}}
            {{> side1Template}}
         {{#if sideMenu2}}
            {{> side2Template}}
        sideMenu1 : function () {
             return Session.equals("sideMenuChoice", "sideMenu1")  
        sideMenu2 : function () {
             return Session.equals("sideMenuChoice", "sideMenu2")  

    Now on an event set the Session to what ever sideMenuChoice.