Yesterday I was asked to recreate a regular QT form using QML (which was my first attempt ever using QLM). Everything was going well until I tried using c++ methods in the QML. This is obviously not the original code, but the scenario looks something like this:
I have a super class deriving from QObject, with some properties, methods and even virtual methods:
class SuperClass : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString someProperty READ someProperty WRITE setSomeProperty)
QString m_someProperty;
QString someProperty(void){return m_someProperty;} //get method
void setSomeProperty(QString newValue){m_someProperty = newValue;} //set method
Q_INVOKABLE virtual QString printSomething(void) = 0;
And then I have a class deriving from the SuperClass (like a specialization) with some more specific properties and methods and of course the virtual methods implementations and stuff:
class DerivedClass : public SuperClass {
Q_PROPERTY(QString someSpecificProperty READ someSpecificProperty WRITE setSomeSpecificProperty)
QString m_someSpecificProperty;
QString specificProperty(void){return m_someSpecificProperty;} //get method
void someSpecificProperty(QString newValue){m_someSpecificProperty = newValue;} //set method
QString printSomething(void){return QString("Something!");} //SuperClass virtual method
Q_INVOKABLE QString printSomethingSpecific(void){return QString("Something Specific!");}
OK, this is it! Now assuming that DerivedClass is instantiated and added to the QML context properly under the name of "DrvClass" for example and that I have some QML control like a TextField which has a 'text:' property:
text: DrvClass.someProperty
using MasterClass' properties, it works just fine.
text: DrvClass.printSomething()
even using virtual methods from MasterClass' which are implemented in the derived class works fine. but...
text: DrvClass.someSpecificProperty
doesn't work and I get something like "Unable to assign [undefined] to QString"
text: DrvClass.printSomethingSpecific()
also doesn't work! "TypeError: Property 'printSomethingSpecific' of object SuperClass() is not a function" And the weird part is that it says that it's not a function from the SuperClass, being the instantiated class the Derived one!
I've looked for similar errors, but most of the time is from people who just forgot to include the Q_OBJECT macro... Mine's there for sure! It seems that QML doesn't like much classes deriving from other classes that derive from QObjects :-/ Probably something to do with the meta-object compiler who only looks for invokable methods where it finds the Q_OBJECT macro and not on it's subclasses!
So what you guys think the solution for this might be? I could just add the Q_OBJECT macro to the DerivedClasses instead of the SuperClass, but I really need the SuperClass to be a QObject because of signals and stuff! So is there some other macro I have to add to the DerivedClass for the moc to 'see' it? Or is this just the fruit of inexperience and I'm doing a dumb mistake somewhere?
is missing Q_OBJECT
macro (it is not inherited!).
Then simply run qmake
again on your project & compile: it should work.