I have a Multimap object from com.google.common.collect.Multimap. How can i iterate throught this Multimap in my Play scala template ?
for ...
First import JavaConverters at the top of your template (i.e. second line, not the signature)
@import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
This will supply asScala
methods to your java collections. via an implicit.
Now you can do this:
@for(entry <- googleMultimapObject.entries.asScala) {
Alternatively, to list the values for each key, you can do this:
@for((key, values) <- googleMultimapObject.asMap.asScala) {
<p>key: @key</p>
@for (value <- values.asScala) {
There's a shortcut happening here to unpack the key and values: .asMap.asScala
gives us a scala map. When you iterate a scala map, you get tuples of (KeyType, ValueType)
. The above syntax unpacks the tuple into (key, values)