I want to use my pc to debug a Python program running on beaglebone black to control GPIO just like what derek molloy did in this video "http://derekmolloy.ie/beaglebone/setting-up-eclipse-on-the-beaglebone-for-c-development/" the beagle's cloud9 IDE supports python only for running the code and not debugging
How can i do remote debugging in beagle using python?
The BeagleBone is a computer like an other, with a complete Linux distribution running on it. So every solution working with a remote PC work on it.
For exemple:
Some pointer for PyDev: http://pydev.org/manual_adv_remote_debugger.html http://brianfisher.name/content/remote-debugging-python-eclipse-and-pydev
And for PyCharm: http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/webhelp/remote-debugging.html
(the necessary remote part are the same for the two IDE and come from PyDev)