The background is following: there is 3'rd party provider that provides us with a, in 32b. Softaware that uses the library has quite a load of other linux library dependencies (like QT) also, but they are open source, so no problem for statical linking. The target platform is 64b and running Debian 7.
We can ship the program with binary + dynamical libraries, no problem, but i would rather see single static binary with no dependencies.
So my question is: why i cannot link the dynamical library into static binary? I mean what bit of information is there missing, or is it just feature that is rarely needed -> not implemented.
There are programs for MS Windows that can do so, eg DLL to Lib and DLL to Static Lib.
In the open source world, there isn't really much of an incentive to develop such a tool as you can always recompile from source (but of course it's possible that someone somewhere did it anyway).