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Style geojson line in mapbox/leaflet

I use geojson from Cartodb to make a line on my map. How can I set some styling on this line? I'm not do familiar with javascript, so please bear with me. This is my code for the line including my wanted styling:

    var mystyle = {
        "color": "#fff",
        "weight": 10,
        "opacity": 0.4

var linelayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer()
.loadURL(' ST_MakeLine(CDB_LatLng(latitude, longitude) ORDER BY created_date DESC) as the_geom FROM instagram')       

Any help would be much much appreciated! Martin


  • You have to use setStyle for this. Look at the following plunk I made for you:

    For more styling options, visit the mapbox api @

    Here's the actual code snippet:

    var linelayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer();
    linelayer.loadURL(' ST_MakeLine(CDB_LatLng(latitude, longitude) ORDER BY created_date DESC) as the_geom FROM instagram');
    /* Need to wait for geoJSON to finish loading */
      linelayer.setStyle({color: '#f00', weight: 10, opacity: 0.4});

    You'll need to wait for geoJSON from loadURL(...) to finish loading before applying style. You have to find a better way to do that.

    Update: You can add a bit more code and fetch geoJSON youself. This adds bulk but removes the need to use unpredictable setTimeout.

    var linelayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer();
    /* Fetch geoJSON manually and set styles in a predictable fashion */
      url: ' ST_MakeLine(CDB_LatLng(latitude, longitude) ORDER BY created_date DESC) as the_geom FROM instagram',
      datatype: 'jsonp',
      success: function(data){
        linelayer.setStyle({color: '#f00', weight: 10, opacity: 0.4});

    Still can't believe mapbox doesn't accepts callbacks for async operations such as this!