Hello i need to query 2 GET requests for 4 -20 dashboards.I was wondering what's a good way to map the second query with the first query?
I am using angularjs $resource
, do i have to loop through each object and match them through a unique property? (both id's are the same in both objects) but what if one object is un-ordered while the other is ordered?
For small arrays, the easiest way is to loop through the primary array with angular.foreach and call the $filter service to find the correct matching item in the second array. Pseudo code:
angular.forEach(primaryArray, function(item, key) {
item.secondaryItem = $filter('filter')(secondaryArray, {sharedId === item.sharedId})[0]
Also I recommend calling both those REST $resource service queries by getting the promises and joining them back using the $q.all() method.