Suppose I create a resource with POST /resource
and that yields an id
on the response body, and then I use that id
to retrieve my resource with GET /resource/{id}
How do I put these two requests in the same API Blueprint group ?
Apparently a group has only one endpoint, which makes the following look like you would create a resource with POST /resource/{id}
which is not true, because you don't even have an id at this point.
## Resource [/resource/{id}]
### Creating the resource [POST]
+ Response 201
+ Body
"id": "uuid"
### Retrieving the resource [GET]
+ Parameters
+ name (string) ... The name of your collection.
+ Response 200
+ Body
"id": "uuid"
I looked at the examples but couldn't find an example of creating and retrieving a specific resource. Am I doing this the wrong way ?
Technically /resource
and /resource/123456
are not the same resource identifiers. For more details take a look at An HTTP Resource is a lot simpler than you might think.
Personally, I prefer to think about this as a "resource" and "collection of resources". Where the create operation usually means "create and insert into collection". The collection has one URL (for example /mighty/frogs/in/the/wood/
or /resources
) and the a resource from the collection has another URL (for example /123124
or /resources/1234
) Note the point is the absolute values of URLs are irrelevant as long as they are unique – with that being said it is usually a good idea to have sane URLs.
Back to blueprint:
# Collection of Resource [/resouces]
## Create [POST]
### List all Resources [GET]
# One Resource [/resource/{id}]
## Retrieve the Resource [GET]
Hope this helps.