I recently installed ATG 10.2 on my Mac using the instructions found here.
After successfully installing ATG I then tried to compile my ATG code using the runAssembler
script provided, however I encountered the following error:
[ERROR] ./bin/dynamoEnv.sh: line 355: -Djava.security.policy=lib/java.policy: No such file or directory
Why does my ATG build fail?
In the spirit of SO I am answering my own question:
It turns out I encountered a known bug with the ATG installers which fail to update the <DYNAMO_HOME>/home/localconfig/dasEnv.sh
with the correct values (dasEnv.bat for Windows). The values which you need to add to this file are:
# Note: I am using WebLogic (change if you are using jBoss or WebSpere)
# e.g. export ATGJRE=/usr/bin/java
# e.g. export WL_HOME=/Users/my_user/Applications/weblogic/wlserver10_3
export WL_VERSION=10.3.6
# self explanatory ...
Please note that this bug affects Windows installs too. More information can be found here.