Am creating a new project to migrate an oauth1 app to oauth2. Have enabled (and configured) the Apps Marketplace SDK. I am not seeing a "Test Install Flow" button in the settings screen.
I have not found any clues, after much searching, regarding prerequisites for making the button appear in the interface. Can anyone provide pointers about what to check for / what prerequisites I may have missed?
Update: I added an additional scope (beside userinfo.profile and and the button appeared several minutes after saving the change. So problem solved, I suppose. Hope this helps the next person down the line :)
Update: I made a change to Universal Navigation Extension URL - and Test Install Flow button has again turned off. Reverted to the previous URL, and still no button. Is there some sort of an undocumented propagation period?
Possible that the solution here works for you - "Integrate with Google" button disappeared
In the marketplace SDK settings, uncheck the "Enable individual installs" option. The option doesn't do anything at the moment and shouldn't be enabled.