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Java Observer pattern not calling update function

I have a problem trying to implement the Observer-pattern into my MVC solution for a simple program, however I can't get the observer to notify "update" like it should.

These are the relevant parts of the code, there is a third class(Controller) which calls the "spelarNamn" function. I have tested the "spelarNamn" function and I know the program enters it, the only problem is that it never enters update function in View.

public class Model extends Observable {
    private String titel;
    public static void main(String[]args){
        Model model = new Model();
        Controller controller = new Controller(model);
        View view = new View(model, controller);
    public void spelarNamn(String s1, String s2){
        titel = s1 + " VS " + s2;

public class View implements Observer {
    public void update(Observable o, Object x){


  • The controller is calling the spelarNamn() method before the Observer is added. Move model.addObserver(view) up before the controller call.