Basically I'm trying intercept taps on links to a remote file and instead open a local version that I already have stored.
I'm able to get to the action of the link after it is tapped, but I can't figure out how to stop it from executing the default behavior while keeping the URL intact.
Here's the relevant code:
- (void)pdfScrollViewTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
Annot *annotation;
@try {
// If they are clicking an annotation, we don't want to process this
[self.pdfView DocLockRead];
CGPoint down = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.pdfView];
annotation = [self.pdfView GetAnnotationAt:down.x y:down.y];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
// something is wrong with the annotation, it may not be selected properly
@finally {
[self.pdfView DocUnlockRead];
// This is how we find out a Link was tapped
if ([annotation IsValid]) {
if (annotation.GetType == e_Link) { // Its a link
Link *link = [[Link alloc] initWithAnn:annotation]; // here's the link
Action *action = link.GetAction; // links have an action, heres that
if ([action IsValid]) { // hopefully its valid
if (action.GetType == e_URI) { // URI is the URL the link points to
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(shouldOpenURLforLinkAnnotation:withViewController:)]) { // Check if the delegate implements this
NSString *origURL = [action.GetSDFObj FindObj:@"URI"].GetAsPDFText;
if (![self.delegate shouldOpenURLforLinkAnnotation:origURL withViewController:self]) {
// The delegate handles finding and opening the local file
// Find a away to disable or stop the action here
I've tried simply removing the action with:
[link RemoveAction];
This works the first time, but as expected the action is never called again after removing it.
The link action is being executed by the tools code,which implements all of the user-interaction features such as text selection, form filling, annotation creation/editing, and link following. To customize the link handling behavior you should modify AnnotEditTool.m's source in /Lib/src/PDFViewCtrlTools/Tools and compile a new copy of libTools.a The relevant section of code is
else if( actionType == e_URI )
Obj* sdfObj = [action GetSDFObj];
Obj* uriObj = [sdfObj FindObj:@"URI"];
if( uriObj != Nil )
NSString* uriDestination = [uriObj GetAsPDFText];
// appends http if no scheme is present
uriDestination = [Link GetNormalizedUrl:uriDestination];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.4 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: uriDestination]];
return YES;
You will want to do something other than openURL: